Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Tips untuk blog

Mengganti background/template

Untuk mengganti template dengan mudah inilah caranya:
1. Carilah web untuk template yang anda inginkan di google atau web lain.
2. Setelah ketemu bukalah web tersebut.
3. Nah, carilah template yang anda inginkan.
4. OK. Setelah ketemu klik yang bertuliskan download.
5. Kemudian klik start untuk mendownload dan klik save.
6. Tunggulah agar save diselesaikan.
7. Setelah selesai carilah data download tadi.
8. Setelah itu Copy data tersebut di blog anda.

Menambah Hit Counter

Selanjutnya menambah hit counter adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Carilah dahulu di web tentang Hit Counter.
2. Setelah itu cari datanya dan simpan.
3. Kemudian bukalah blog anda.
4. Klik yang tertulis Tata Letak.
5. Klik "Tambah Gadget"
6. Kemudian pilih dan klik edit HTML.
7. Copy lah data yang sudah anda simpan pada tabel yang tersedia dan jangan lupa klik simpan.

Atau ada cara yang lebih mudah untuk mencari hit counter, yaitu:
1. Di blog anda klik tata letak.
2. Kemudian klik tambah gadget.
3. Di kanan atas tuliskan apa yang anda cari dan pakailah data tersebut.

Menambah Tulisan Berjalan/ Marquee di Bar Menu

Yang terakhir yaitu menambah tulisan berjalan caranya:
1. Bukalah blog anda terlebih dahulu.
2. Klik menu Template.
3. Kemudian klik menu Edit HTML.
4. Copy codenya dan save.
5. Lalu isi data-data yang tertera di blog anda tersebut.
6. Setelah itu klik "Save change template".

Semoga cara ini bisa membantu anda sekalian.
Terima Kasih.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is a large tree with a trunk and roots are very strong and very beautiful leaves. The Christmas tree is always used as Christmas Day December 25, 2008. If the Christmas tree will be decorated with a beautiful tree for Christmas day.

Christmas tree in the life of a very large forest with other Christmas tree. It is located in the country that have winter. By the time Christmas approached, people want to cut it to sell to someone else for Christmas day and meet the needs of the company. But maybe the people who had cut them down do not want to grow it back so that the Christmas tree will become extinct. And also when the Christmas tree is extinct, the Christmas days will no longer be filled with Christmas trees.
Thus the Christmas tree we need to keep such trees in a forest guard us. Christmas trees can serve as a drag landslides and floods. Like other tree of life, Christmas trees can also produce oxygen. But the Christmas tree is very special to people other than trees because these trees is suitable for use on Christmas day and can be decorated. So that this tree is called Christmas trees.

To maintain the existence of Christmas tree, then we need to keep it. Like the trees the other, how to keep Christmas trees also if you want to cut it down then come back to be planted this tree is not extinct. So we as a people must want to keep the balance of nature if we want also to meet survival needs and because we always need food from plants and animals to survive.

Minggu, 13 September 2009

A Nature Life

Nature is a gift from God to us humans so that we can survive. Humans will always need food to survive. Therefore we also need nature and animals. But we humans are always making angry nature. Forest burning, indiscriminate felling trees without reforestation.
With that we should keep our nature. The trick is to not cut down trees at random without any apparent reason, do not burn the woods in vain and so forth. If we violate that, then we will receive the plagues of the Lord to accept the disaster that we do not want. Therefore we apbiula break, we'll hit the disaster.
With this and after you read this article I hope you know that nature is important to us. If we destroy our own then who will lose. Therefore I hope you realize that we need them to survive so that we do not die of hunger because of our own actions.


Thank you.